Center for Teaching and Learning

2004 Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference



Co-sponsored by
Center for Teaching and Learning and Information Technology Services

8:30 - 9:00

Registration and Coffee - MSC Century Rooms BC

9:00 - 10:30

Plenary Address - MSC Century Rooms BC

How We Defeat Ourselves in the Classroom: Key Lessons from Research on Teaching and Learning
Craig Nelson, Professor of Biology, Indiana University

Welcome by Provost Glen Cope

Often we have classroom results opposite from those intended. Practices assumed to demand more from students and thereby increase their achievement actually seem to interfere with their success. Changes that increase the number of students whose performances earn high grades without lowering expectations will be explored.

Concurrent Sessions
10:40 - 11:30

Tips and Strategies from the 2004 UMSL Teaching Award Winners - MSC 313
Ed Lawrence, Finance; Robert Harris, Psychology; Alan Heisel, Communication; Beth Huebner, Criminology and Criminal Justice; and Paul Paese, Psychology
Award winning faculty will share their own approaches to teaching. Questions and answers will follow.

Creating a Positive Atmosphere for Learning - MSC 315
John Henschke, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Learning environments differ. In this session, participants will identify the ideal environment for the optimal growth and development of their students.

International Students: Strategies that Enrich Learning - MSC 316
Denise Mussman and Nancy Mayer, Center for Academic Development and Foreign Languages and Literature; and students: Luis Giancarlo Roman Callirgos, Fulbright scholar from Peru, Business Administration; Ji-Young Kim, Korea, Education; Maria Lourdes, Philippines, Chemistry; Liliana Martin, Mexico, Business Administration; and, Jean-Luc Samaki, The Congo, MBA
International students face many challenges beyond language. Panelists will offer experiences and resources to support their success.

Concurrent Sessions
11:40 - 12:30

Study Abroad Programs: Unique Ideas to Engage Students - MSC 313
Beth Eckelkamp, Foreign Languages and Literature
Short-term study abroad learning experiences are viable and more realistic than most faculty realize.

What Makes a Professor Effective? Learn from UMSL Students - MSC 315
Susan Feigenbaum, Economics, Moderator, and students: James Banto, Chemistry; Andrea Bielecki, Special Education; Lacie Hodo, Psychology; and Kathleen Early, Economics
UMSL students will share their experiences, perspectives and advice.

Active Learning through Undergraduate Research - MSC 316
Teresa Thiel, Biology; Susan Brownell, Anthropology; Phil Fraundorf, Physics and Astronomy; Anne Winkler, Economics; and Kathy Walterscheid, Honors
Faculty who create research opportunities for undergraduates offer guidelines so that research projects benefit both students and faculty mentors.

Lunchtime Roundtable Discussions and Vendor Displays
12:30 - 1:15

Lunch will be provided for those who register in advance. registration

Vendor displays will continue through the remainder of the conference.

Discussions on focused topics:

Concurrent Sessions
1:30 - 2:20

Facilitating Learning with Cases - MSC 316
Melodie Rowbotham, Nursing and John Crane, Optometry
Problem-based learning and case studies are instructional options used across the disciplines. Costs and benefits of creating and using cases will be addressed.

Detecting and Discouraging Cheating - MSC 315
Bud Banis, Logistics and Operations Management and Jennifer Siciliani, Psychology
Observations of how and why cheating occurs will be followed by discussion of ideas for promoting academic honesty.

Teaching Online: Experiences from the New Initiates - MSC 316
Elisha Chambers, Educational Psychology, Research and Evaluation and Michael M. Harris, Management
A presentation of classroom research projects, based on three online paradigms: instructor-led, participant-led and facilitating learning in hybrid courses.

2:30 - 4:30
MSC Century Rooms B

Three Changes That Can Make a Difference to Students' Learning in any Classroom Craig Nelson, Professor of Biology, Indiana University

An examination with applications of three changes that can influence achievement and retention
in most university classrooms. Topics address maintaining high standards and high grades,
making students brighter and harder working, and using fair assessments.

Welcome Chancellor Tom George

Conference Reception
4:30 - 5:30
MSC Century Rooms C

Join colleagues for conversation, good food and attendance prize drawings.
Hosted by: Ilene Townsend, Allyn, Bacon and Longman
Rondi Ingraham and Paul Coleman, Bedford, Freeman and Worth Publishing Group


Thanks to the following supporters of the plenary speaker and conference:
Carl Hoagland, Emerson Electric Endowed Professor of Technology and Learning
Lloyd Richardson, Jr., Distinguished Teaching Professor of Education
J. Martin Rochester, Distinguished Teaching Professor of Political Science
Fred Willman, Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music and Education
Barnes College of Nursing and Health Studies
College of Fine Arts and Communication
Gloria Schultz, Millennium Student Center

Thanks to the companies who support the conference with displays and attendance prizes.
The list of campus vendors who participate in our Vendor Display will be available on the day of the conference.

FTTC Planning Committee:
John Crane, Optometry; Mary Fowler, ITS; Joe Naumann, Economics; Joe Polman, Education; Melodie Rowbotham, Nursing; Jennifer Siciliani, Psychology; Jeff Sippel, Art and Art History; Keith Stine, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Rhonda Tenkku, Business; Cheryl Bielema CTL, and Peggy Cohen, CTL.


Co-sponsored by
Center for Teaching and Learning and Information Technology Services